Our Services


Webster Technique

The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of which is to reduce the effects of SI joint dysfunction on a pregnant mother. In its clinical and theoretical framework, it is proposed that sacral misalignment may contribute to the primary causes of dystocia via pelvic misalignment and the tightening and torsion of specific pelvic muscles and ligaments. The resulting tense muscles and ligaments and their aberrant effect on the uterus may prevent the baby from comfortably assuming the best possible position for birth. The webster technique aims to restore SI joint mobility and balance tightened muscles of the low back and hip flexor regions.

Additional Information on the Webster Technique:

ICPA- About the Webster Technique

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Dr. Barnett utilizes gentle chiropractic techniques for children and infants. She is a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and has taken additional technique training specifically for manual therapies for children and infants. For our youngest patients, she utilizes delicate stretching and craniosacral therapy techniques primarily to support a growing child’s musculoskeletal system. A chiropractic treatment for a child is much different than that of an adult as their body is more easily influenced to restore proper range of motion with minimal input. She utilizes age appropriate techniques and enjoys educating patients as well as their parents/guardians about the techniques she uses.

Massage Therapy